The European Social Fund (ESF) is one of the four European structural investment funds dedicated to the development, competitiveness and attractiveness of regions.
What is the FSE?
The European Social Fund (ESF) is one of the four structural investment funds of the European Union (EU) dedicated to promoting employment.
It responds to the EU's cohesion policy, which consists of harmonizing the EU's regions by reducing economic, social and territorial development gaps.
The objective of the ESF is to offer better professional prospects to European citizens by improving their employability and restoring equal opportunities, particularly for the most vulnerable groups.
The ESF intervenes on European and regional themes previously defined in a framework document called the Operational Program (OP). This is a common OP of Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin FEDER-FSE. Saint-Martin has an allocation of 20 million euros for the period 2014-2020 in order to implement this policy.
The areas of intervention of the ERDF through 3 axes
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Europe in Saint Martin
Who manages the FEDER in Saint-Martin?
The management authority for this fund is the regional prefecture of Guadeloupe, however the Collectivité of Saint-Martin is an intermediary organization and manages a global grant of 15,115,700 euros which it administers under the control of the management authority.
Thus the implementation of European funds in Saint-Martin is shared between the services of the Prefecture (40%) and those of the Collectivité (60%).
Axis 5 is 100% managed by the Collectivité.
Axis 6 is 100% managed by the State.
Axis 7 is under shared management; the COM manages OS 7.1 and 7.3.
Do you have a project and would like to benefit from European aid?
We invite you to consult the available calls for projects which provide information on the European and national orientations implemented at the regional level as well as the DOMO (Implementation Document) which specifies the practical conditions for implementing the ERDF intervention (e.g. . detailed intervention measures, beneficiaries, eligible expenses, managing services, etc.)
Online resource
Calls for projects available