The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is one of the four European structural investment funds dedicated to the development, competitiveness and attractiveness of regions.
What is the EAFRD?
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is one of the four European structural investment funds dedicated to financing projects linked to agriculture and rural development.
In the territory of Saint-Martin, the FEADER is managed through a special measure, the LEADER measure (Liaison Between Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy) with a global and multi-sectoral approach optimally bringing together the different sectors of the island's rural economy and in particular the animal and plant production sectors, aquaculture and agritourism.
The purpose of the LEADER program is to develop the rural economy by drawing on the human, natural, cultural and heritage potential of the territory of Saint-Martin.
Saint-Martin has an allocation of 2,950,000.00 euros for the period 2014-2020 in order to implement this policy. The purpose of the LEADER program is broken down from an operational point of view into 6 strategic objectives and described through 6 action sheets, organized as follows:
The areas of intervention of the FEADER through 4 axes
For further
Europe in Saint Martin
Who manages the FEDER in Saint-Martin?
The management authority of this fund is the Regional Council of Guadeloupe, however the Collectivité is the supporting structure of the Local Action Group of Saint-Martin (GALsm) which is responsible for leading and managing this global grant of 2 950,000.00 euros.
The programming committee constitutes the decision-making body of the GALsm. It is made up of two colleges totaling 5 full members and 5 substitutes distributed as follows:
- A public college: 2 teachers and 2 substitutes
- A private college: 3 teachers and 3 substitutes
Do you have a project and would like to benefit from European aid?
We invite you to consult the available calls for projects which provide information on the European and national orientations implemented at the regional level as well as the DOMO (Implementation Document) which specifies the practical conditions for implementing the ERDF intervention (e.g. . detailed intervention measures, beneficiaries, eligible expenses, managing services, etc.)
Online resource
Calls for projects available