MOBILITY AND TRANSPORTPublished on November 29, 2024

Urban Transport Scheme: Cooperation Meeting with the TEATT Ministry of Sint Maarten

The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications of St. Maarten, Ms. Grisha S. Heyliger-Marten, accompanied by Ms. Regina LaBega, Chief of Staff and Ms. Brittany van Heyningen, Head of Transportation, were welcomed at the Collectivité Hotel on Friday, November 22, 2024 for a bilateral cooperation meeting on the creation of the urban transportation plan.

Urban Transport Scheme: Cooperation Meeting with the TEATT Ministry of Sint Maarten

Welcomed in the collectivité by the first vice-president in charge of economic development, Mr. Alain RICHARDSON, as well as by the territorial councilor Arnel DANIEL in charge of transport, the delegation from Sint Maarten was first invited to join the Marigot seafront where the staff of the regulation and transport department was waiting for them.

A constructive exchange made it possible to understand the issues relating to passenger transport, in particular the operation of the taxi station and the need to coordinate the operating procedure with the Dutch side.

Back at the city hall, territorial councillor Arnell Daniel led the bilateral meeting with Minister Heyliger-Marten on the issue of the development of the new urban transport plan for Saint-Martin, on which the collectivité has been working for several months. The idea is to consult and work transversally with the government of Sint Maarten in order to develop a plan on the scale of the island and in coherence with the Dutch side.

Other steps will take place in the coming weeks as part of the development of this plan, with a focus on a global redefinition of urban transport in Saint-Martin with the aim of delivering an ever more efficient public service.

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Contact the relevant department

Transport and regulations department

162 A rue de Hollande - Marigot - 97801 Saint-Martin

Open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.