The House of Saint-Martin in Paris

The Collectivité 's representative office in Paris helps mobile students with their administrative and social procedures.

Last updated February 06, 2024

Serving Saint-Martin students in France

The main mission of the Maison de Saint-Martin in Paris is to help students and young professionals from Saint-Martin living in mainland France. It also allows the Collectivité to get closer to ministerial and European authorities.

Why contact the Maison de Saint-Martin in Paris?

Contact the Maison de Saint-Martin in Paris

Hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Address: 27-29, rue de Penthièvre 75008 Paris
Tel: +33(0)1 40 48 29 60

Online resource

All the news from the Maison de Saint-Martin in Paris