Population census: annual campaign from January 16 to February 22, 2025
January 08, 2025The Collectivité de Saint-Martin informs the population of the launch, from Thursday, January 16, 2025, of the annual population census campaign. Residents are invited to welcome the census agents who will come to count the people living under your roof.
The annual population census campaign will take place over five weeks, from Thursday, January 16 to Saturday, February 22, 2025. The census is organized by the Collectivité de Saint-Martin in partnership with the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE).
Your household may be one of the households selected by INSEE for the 2025 census. In this case, you have received a letter from President Louis MUSSINGTON informing you of the formalities relating to this census campaign. Made mandatory by law, the census is above all a civic and citizen act.
A census agent from the Collectivité, trained and identified by a badge, will come to your home, between Thursday, January 16 and Saturday, February 22, 2025, and will ask you to be able to count the people residing in your household. This information is confidential and remains subject to professional secrecy.
The census is a powerful act that allows us to determine the official population of each territory. Precise knowledge of our population allows us to adjust public action to the needs of the territory and its inhabitants. It also allows us to set state allocations: collective facilities, neighborhood renovation programs, means of transport, etc. The census also provides statistical information on the age pyramid, the composition of families and the housing stock.
President Louis MUSSINGTON therefore invites you to give the best possible welcome to the Collectivité's census agent.
For more information on the census, you can consult the national website:
www.le-recensement-et-moi.fr, or contact the Population Census & Addressing service of the Collectivité (Ms. Rosette PAROTTE) at 0690 74 98 29 - 6 Rue du Fort Louis - Marigot.