EDUCATIONPublished on September 20, 2024

Press conference for the 2024-2025 school year

Mrs. Dominique DÉMOCRITE-LOUISY, 3rd Vice-President in charge of the Human Development and Citizenship Delegation, invited members of the press to take stock of the 2024-2025 school year in Saint-Martin. School enrollment, school transportation, student mobility assistance (AME), and extracurricular activities were discussed.

Press conference for the 2024-2025 school year

Back to school 2024

In the presence of the Deputy Director General Mr. Paul DOLLIN, the Director of Education Mr. Medhi BOUCARD and the Director of the Quality of Living Environment Department Mr. José CARTI, the Vice-President began this conference by wishing a good start to the school year to the staff, teachers and children by addressing a special message to the young people. "Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow. Stay focused, work hard and you will see that everything is possible."

Mrs. LOUISY specified that field visits in the presence of technicians, in Quartier d'Orléans and Grand-Case, have begun and will end next week. The aim is to meet with school staff and ensure the proper functioning of the establishments.

• School enrollment

The territory has 7 nursery schools with 1257 children. The highest concentration is at the Siméonne TROTT school with 228 students. The smallest is the Emile CHOISY school with 69 children in nursery school.

Among the 8 elementary schools with 2189 students, Hervé WILLIAMS has the most students with 376 children. While at the Marie-Antoinette RICHARDS school, there are 123 registered.

The Vice-President stressed that the registration committees take into account the parents' residential addresses when assigning students in order to promote social and academic diversity and avoid restrictive journeys for children.

• School transport

School transport has 13 routes and is in place between Oyster Pond and Baie Nettle. Children are transported to primary and secondary schools in the area.

This year, the collectivité has revised the amount of school transport which is reduced to €70 instead of €140 per child so that they are on regulated buses on their journey.

The annual cost of school transport in 2023 was €1,201,800.45.

• Student Mobility Assistance (AME)

The Student Mobility Assistance (AME) is a system of school scholarships designed to alleviate the financial burden of education and allow all children, regardless of their economic situation, to benefit from equitable access to quality education. This initiative is at the heart of the mission of this mandate to promote inclusion and equal opportunities. The AME is renewed and the portal is open for the submission of applications until December 31. The students concerned are those who have completed at least 4 years of schooling since the 6th grade in Saint-Martin and whose parents are taxpayers in the territory.

This aid is a political commitment financed at 65% by the ESF for the year 2024-2025. This scholarship aims to financially support families and to ensure that each student can continue their education in the best possible conditions.

• After-school activities

As part of the implementation of the Territorial Educational Project (PEDT), the After-School Activity Times (TAP) are set up for the benefit of families. After-school activities are held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., between classes from 11:30 a.m. to 1:20 p.m., then from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The "Wednesday plan" takes place in all schools from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Throughout the school year, a variety of sports, cultural and artistic activities will be offered to children. These actions are carried out in accordance with the highlights of the CTOS in conjunction with school projects. Reading activities and homework help (supervised by teachers), manual and artistic activities, cultural activities with the BCD, physical sports activities, board games are among the many activities offered to children.

Press conference for the 2024-2025 school year