Waste management in Saint-Martin

Individuals and professionals, how to sort and deposit your waste for collection in Saint-Martin?

Last updated February 06, 2024

Waste management, a priority in Saint-Martin

Deposits of garbage, bulky items or green waste left on public roads generate visual and olfactory nuisances. These contribute to environmental pollution on the island of Saint-Martin, which values ​​tourism and a healthy living environment above all.

To prevent this type of nuisance, the Collectivité has set up a collection system 7 days a week for household waste, 6 times a week for bulky items and 3 times a week for green waste, except on public holidays.

Waste sorting and collection in Saint-Martin

What to do with professional waste?

The Collectivité reminds artisans and traders that they are responsible for their waste and its disposal. Uncontrolled dumping of household waste, bulky items and green waste is prohibited by law (article L. 541-3 of the environmental code).

Deposits from craftsmen (remains from construction sites such as rubble, tiles, used air conditioners, empty paint cans, etc.) and traders (cardboards) continually clutter the trash shelters and even the trash bins reserved for household waste.

Contact the Grandes Cayes eco-site for the treatment of this waste.