Report a child in danger

Child protection is a priority for the Collectivité de Saint-Martin. A child is considered to be in danger when he or she is the victim of physical or psychological violence, serious neglect, or when he or she is in an environment that compromises his or her safety or development. Reporting a dangerous situation helps protect the child and provide him or her with the support necessary to ensure his or her well-being and future.

Last updated December 06, 2024

When to report?

You can report a child in danger if you witness or suspect physical or psychological violence (mistreatment, harassment, emotional abuse), serious neglect (lack of care, lack of supervision, unsanitary living conditions), sexual abuse or an unsuitable environment (exposure to situations of violence, drugs, crime). Even in case of doubt, reporting can allow an assessment by child professionals.

How to report?

To report a situation of a child in danger, several options are available to you:

  • By phone : Call 119 - Allô Enfance en Danger . This number is free and accessible 24/7. It allows you to make an anonymous report if you wish.
  • By contacting the social services of the Collectivité : You can also report the situation directly to the child protection services of the Collectivité of Saint-Martin. Child professionals are at your disposal and will be able to guide you in your efforts.
  • By contacting the police or gendarmerie : If the child is in immediate danger, contact the police for rapid intervention.

Confidentiality and monitoring of reports

Reports are handled confidentially and securely by the relevant services. An assessment will be conducted to determine the appropriate protective measures for the child's situation, in collaboration with child protection partners.

Role of the Collectivité

The Collectivité of Saint-Martin, through a trained service , works in partnership with social services, schools, and local associations to:

  • Identify situations of children in danger or at risk
  • Implement protection and support measures for the children concerned
  • Supporting families in preventive measures and social monitoring

The Collectivité is committed to ensuring that every child in Saint-Martin has a safe and fulfilling environment, intervening as soon as necessary to protect the most vulnerable.

Useful resources

  • 119 - Hello Children in Danger
  • Child protection services of the Collectivité of Saint-Martin : or 0590 87 50 04
  • Police and gendarmerie : In case of emergency, dial 17
Poster - Report a child in danger

When should you call 119?