The quality of life in Saint-Martin requires constant attention to public safety.
The Local Security and Crime Prevention Council (CLSPD)
The objective of the CLSPD is to contribute, alongside the State, to the prevention of delinquency, the protection of vulnerable people who are victims of violence and to promote public tranquility in the wider territory.
To do this, it has a monitoring unit whose role is to monitor tensions in the neighborhoods and mobilize local stakeholders to find solutions that can be implemented quickly, while taking into account the needs raised by the population.
The CLPSD plans, in the coming months, to create or strengthen the following mechanisms:
- a car impound
- the development of social mediation in the territory
- a professional reintegration platform
- a local security diagnosis
- a new Territorial Security and Crime Prevention Strategy
- a delinquency observatory
- a call for projects "Holidays in the heart of the neighborhoods", in order to offer young people socio-cultural activities during the months of July and August.
Contact the CLSPD (functional link with the Presidency)
Head of department: Hénoc Patrick
Tel: 0590 52 2730
Focus on the “One class, one police officer” operation at Daniella Jeffry high school
The territorial police of the Collectivité of Saint-Martin, in partnership with the Local Security and Delinquency Prevention Council (CLSPD), have been supporting high school students in security professions classes at the Daniella Jeffry high school in Concordia for a year.
These high school students aim to join a police force (national or territorial), fire brigade or gendarmerie, after having obtained the professional baccalaureate in security professions, taught in Saint-Martin for several years.