Sports Department

Last updated May 16, 2024


For the benefit of citizens and the influence of the island, the sports department implements the sports policy developed by local elected officials.

The main activities of the sports department revolve around 2 main areas of intervention:

1/ Ensure responsibility and leadership in the sporting field :

- Participate in the definition of orientations in terms of sports policy and manage their implementation (find the right balance between the needs of users, the roadmap of elected officials and the allocated resources),

- Support local stakeholders (participate in the study of grant and individual aid grant applications and follow agreements),

- Encourage and promote local sports practice by setting up systems and operations,

- Work in close collaboration with the associative fabric, leagues and committees, sports clubs, volunteers and any other actor involved in the sporting world,

- Promote integration and sporting educational actions for young people based on increased collaboration with the youth service and others,

- Develop and maintain a network with sports stakeholders (national and international level) - Follow labels

2/ Supervise the administrative and technical management of sports equipment :
- Optimize the organization and reception capacity of sports equipment by responding

to user needs, political objectives and ERP standards,

- Ensure the conformity of sports equipment (standards and safety rules in force),

- Ensure routine upkeep, maintenance and guarding of sports facilities,

- Supervise the management of slot planning (schools and sports associations),

- Identify needs, evaluate and participate in projects for the creation, renovation and maintenance of sports equipment in conjunction with technical services,

- Participate in the organization of sporting events bringing together multiple stakeholders,

- Support and participate in the organization of major events,

- Continue rehabilitation, renovation and/or construction programs for sports heritage to provide quality sports equipment that meets technical standards