SOLIDARITY, HEALTH AND FAMILYPublished on November 20, 2024

Professional training: 40 local staff trained on children at risk

The Collectivité de Saint-Martin is currently training 40 local staff on the subject of children in danger, in order to enable teams to better understand family situations and accommodate children in distress.

Professional training: 40 local staff trained on children at risk

The Solidarity, Health, Families delegation, chaired by the 4th Vice-President Michel PETIT, initiated two training sessions, from November 5 to 15, 2024, with regard to the appropriation of the national reference framework for the global assessment of the situation of children in danger or at risk of being so, published by the High Authority for Health (HAS).

Entitled “From initial assessment to the project for the child”, these training courses are intended for agents likely to intervene in the field of child welfare. They are also open to institutional partners, such as agents of National Education, the hospital sector, and members of associations working in this specific field.

This is mandatory training to be able to appropriately assess information of concern (IP), following the law of February 7, 2022 which introduced the use of the HAS reference framework and will provide Saint-Martin with real know-how in this area of ​​intervention.

Based in mainland France, the Institute of Psychoeducation was selected as part of a public call for projects to provide training in Saint-Martin. The latter is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).

This first training session will be followed by a 2nd session, in February 2025, concerning the writing of the Project For the Child. The coupling of these two training courses is innovative in the child protection sector and the psychoeducation institute will support the Solidarity, Health and Families Pole of the Collectivité through coaching sessions.

The 4th Vice-President Michel PETIT attended the two training sessions, in order to encourage the learners and remind them how much training is a valuable support tool in employment and the execution of daily missions, particularly in the social and childhood fields, where situations require a good knowledge of the professional environment and a certain technicality.

Professional training: 40 local staff trained on children at risk