Training and apprenticeship: 20 apprenticeship contracts signed and 13 employers committed
Dominique Démocrite Louisy , 3rd Vice-President in charge of human development and citizenship, Martine Beldor , territorial councilor in charge of vocational training and Raphael Sanchez in charge of youth, participated in the signing ceremony of 20 apprenticeship contracts of the CFA MANGROVE system, which took place at the Coco Beach restaurant on the eastern bay, Wednesday, November 27, 2024. 10 new contracts will be signed in the coming days.

Behind these contracts, there are young people who are starting their career path through an apprenticeship. It is something concrete for them and it is the whole objective of the collectivité which wishes to support young people towards employment by giving them the opportunity to learn a real trade. All of them are starting their apprenticeship work these days by being taken in hand by professionals.
It should be noted that as part of this scheme, a total of 100 young people have benefited from apprenticeship training. 15 of them were selected as part of a call for projects launched by the training organisation FORE, while 85 were selected as part of the renewal of the 2023/2024 calls for projects. Around twenty young people are still in a training phase before being able to join the apprenticeship.
As Martine Beldor points out, the Saint Martin collectivité invested €1.2 million (APP + apprentice remuneration) in this major training project with the help of the European Social Fund (ESF). Of this sum, the collectivité devoted €699,596.75 to the renewal of the Calls for Projects with the training organization FORE IDN. The inclusion of apprentices with disabilities also made it possible to recruit two young people.
The collectivité, through its vice-president Dominique Louisy, would like to salute the establishments that participated in this project aimed at training our young people in the hotel and catering industry.
Thanks to the restaurateurs:
The Coco Beach which hosted the event
The Wai
The Bikini
The Kontiki
The South
The Carpaccio
The forest
978 sanctorum
978 beach
The Sao
The oasis
The Workshop
Over the hill Guest House.
For any contact
Contact the relevant department
Employment, skills and training department
Rue de la liberté - Marigot - 97801 Saint-Martin