Introduction of an exceptional purchasing power bonus
June 20, 2024 at 9:05 a.m.Purchasing power bonus
On the basis of the national decree of October 31, 2023, the executive council established an exceptional lump-sum purchasing power bonus for the benefit of certain public employees of the Collectivité of Saint Martin.
Taking into account the structural and cyclical elements, the Territorial Authority has decided to introduce the exceptional lump-sum purchasing power bonus, provided for by Decree No. 2023-1006 of October 31, 2023 within the Collectivité of Saint-Martin. The principle was noted by the territorial executive during the development of the Primary Budget for 2024, which was adopted on March 28.
The payment of the bonus must take place no later than June 30, 2024, the deliberation adopted by the Executive Council of June 13, 2024 determines the lump sum amount of this compensation, in compliance with the scale and the ceiling amounts set by decree no. 2023 -1006 of October 31, 2023.
The text determines the terms of payment of this bonus, which will be charged to the pay for the month of June 2024.
The beneficiaries of the bonus within the Collectivité are people who received gross remuneration less than or equal to 39,000 euros for the reference period running from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, i.e. 3,250 euros gross per month on average.
The following agents will receive between €350 and €800 depending on the remuneration received:
- Permanent civil servants and trainees in all employment settings;
- Public law contract workers referred to these employment frameworks;
- Childminders and family assistants mentioned in Article L. 422-6 of the Social Action and Families Code;
- Civil servants from the State civil service and the hospital civil service seconded within the Collectivité, taking into account the seniority acquired in the entire public service.
Conversely, the following people are excluded from benefiting from the bonus:
- Private law contractual agents (which concerns “subsidized employment”);
- Part-time workers, within the meaning of Article 1 of Decree No. 88-145 of February 15, 1988 as amended, relating to contractual agents of the territorial public service: that is to say agents “engaged for a specific, punctual and limited to the execution of specific acts”;
- The trainees ;
- Pupils and students in training in a professional environment or on an internship with whom the Collectivité is linked by an internship agreement under the conditions provided for in the second paragraph of Article L. 124-1 of the Education Code;
- Occasional public service employees;
- Civic service volunteers (stationed in MSAPs in the Territory);
- Agents on availability or on parental leave without exercising professional activity as of June 30, 2023